Saturday, March 2, 2019

M3: Artifact Representation

You will submit an artifact that resonates with you, that represents you as an educator, and that shows how you have grown as a lifelong learner through the course towards effectively supporting ELLs. This task will support all of the learning from the prior assignments as well as the Foundations of Professional Practice. You will create a screen shot of images, create a collage, or design an animation with PowToon (  or Animoto (  to illustrate your teaching methodologies that make you an effective leader. You will also provide a 2 page double spaced reflection discussing the artifact and your knowledge base from your learning in the course.

To begin understanding where I came from, it is important to recognize that I am not necessarily a "routine" kind of person, but I do appreciate structure. Even though days change, time diminishes the quality and finish of clothes and other tangible objects, memory is what won't be taken away. I always wear watches, a lanyard, and rings (wedding ring, and another). Out of everything I have and out of people who I hang out with, I haven't known them as long as I have been wearing this other ring. My artifact to represent my methodology is this ring.

We have artifact activities in my class as well and I have discussed this same object with my students. I tend to sometimes to change perspective of the object but, really it is still just  baffling how long I have had this and how no matter where it goes or what I do, it still finds its way back to me. Of most objects that you would believe are harder to lose, this ring manages to stick it out.

Two ways that I have taken inspiration away from this artifact in my life in the understanding of my teaching and pedagogy goes towards my classroom management. I find that I am well prepared and continually try to be. I find that everyday no matter how far off track I may go with my lesson, I can always make it count in a way that speaks to my students by bringing personal experience and expertise to the class discussions. Like my ring that has been with me for ages, I hope that I can impart knowledge or even skills that will remain with my students indefinitely. My hope is that no matter where they go, they take something away from my class that they will always remember in a positive way. Secondly, I want to make my class time authentic for my students. I am not the kind of person who likes to fake or play off a lesson as someone who is always right, I do sometimes like to leave a little bit of a Q and A discussion (whether it be through a class discussion or 1 to 1) of how they arrived at the solution or answer they did. I don't know how I still have this ring, but I have theories, some are far-fetched and others are sentimental, but people, students usually enjoy the stories.

Using STEP, students are able to receive the assistance needed to make continual progress in class. As a educator I use STEP to develop an understanding of how to create authentic assessments and evaluations for all levels of learners. Choice boarding and differentiated assignment delivery is crucial for teachers who a smaller class with ELL, a class with many ELL or even just a class with students who have an IEP. The choice boarding allows teachers to provide students with support but removes any stigma of "extra assistance" that IEP students or ELL's may feel. Teachers cannot not make effective choice board assignments unless they know what areas students in their class are at though.

A colleague mentioned the metaphor of an Iceberg to describe BICS/CALPS in their school board. I think this is important for a number of reasons, parents/guardians do not necessarily always understand what we are trying to accomplish with all these extra assessments and evaluations at times. We as educators and public servants, need to make this accessible to them. As a school, board, educator and parent ourselves, we are able to better build and support the learning community for our students and children if we fully understand what avenues are taken to support students and why they are taken. A School in some cases can only be as efficient as their PTA allows at times (I feel at least). Admittedly, there are times when teachers find it intimidating to be next to a committee of strong spoken parents, but it is a STEP in the right direction because parents and teachers are in this together. With the time that the students are in school, they are practicing a language they may not be fluent in and this is problematic for teachers as well as parents if the parents are also not fluent in the English language.

A collection of mindsets are necessary as a teacher, we can be in the mindset of growth for ourselves and students, but it is also important to keep in mind other positive mindsets as we develop and build experiences with our students. Students come from an array of background and cherishing, celebrating or celebrating these backgrounds is an essential part of successfully building rapport as well as positive association with education, in our students.

Providing in the Powtoon, pictures of students, I am trying to establish an understanding that there is a need for understanding of students in regards to their abilities and feelings. I mentioned at the beginning (in my pedagogy), that students are humans and we need to recognize them.

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