Friday, February 7, 2020

Human Resource Contact Numbers for Various Boards

As I am living abroad and making arrangements to come back home I need to plan my applications wisely for a number of reasons. I am applying for positions that may arise in the summer as well as the next school year (2020-2021).

Why is it important to note this and not just apply to find out? Well, to apply its going to cost me $13.99 per board. In total, for the Catholic boards I am applying for, it'll cost $279.0 (CAD).

Not cheap to say the least when its likely I won't see that money for a very long time.

Making a list of human resource contact numbers/emails in order to find out which boards are/are not conducting online interviews.

"Hello Human Resource of __(school board name)___,

I am a teacher who is currently overseas on a teaching assignment, I would like to apply for a position in the school board as an occasional teacher. It was recommended to me that I contact the school boards' human resource department to inquire on the potentiality of an online interview as it does get costly to apply to all the school boards.

I am wondering if it would be at all possible to find out from you if the school board is willing to conduct interviews online as I am currently not in the country and won't return until July/Aug 2020.

If you could email me back with either a reference to a particular page on the school board's website that states the policy on this or if you would be willing to provide me with an answer I could go, that would be much appreciated, thank you very much.

All the best, "

HR Contacts:

Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic D.S.B.:

Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario:

Dufferin-Peel Catholic D.S.B.:
Phone: 905-890-1221
Toll Free: 1-800-387-9501

Grand Erie D.S.B.:

HaltonCatholic D.S.B.:
If you require additional information, please contact one of the following teacher recruitment staff who will be happy to assist you at 905-632-6300 or 1-800-741-8382.
Darlene Ilczyna -  Senior Administrator, Teaching Staff
Kimberly Ervin - Recruitment Officer, Teaching Staff (extension 154)
Courtney Reynolds - Recruitment Officer, Teaching Staff (extension 155)
Josephine Rubino - Recruitment Officer, Teaching Staff (extension 117)
Edéa Santini - Human Resources Clerk (extension 105)
Hamilton-Wentoworth Catholic District S.B.:

Hamilton-Wentworth District S.B.:
Contact via website:

London Catholic D.S.B.:
Message via website:

Niagara Catholic D.S.B.:

Hiring Time Frame in S2:

Toronto Catholic District S.B.:
Acting Sr. Manager of Recruitment (M. Marchetta)

York Catholic D.S.B.:
Telephone: 416-221-5051 or 905-713-1211

Boards Conducting online/phone interviews:

Niagara CDSB:
Personal Experience (March Interviews)

Hamilton Wentworth Catholic District School Board
(Contact made with HR)/Personal Experience
-->Personal Expereince
-->one time deal due to COVID-19?
-->May interviews
-->Skype Business

Hamilton-Wentworth D.S.B.:
(Communicated through email with HR)
-->Personal Experience
-->One time deal due to COVID-19?
-->Mid-June Interviews
-->Microsoft Teams

Halton D.S.B
-->Personal Experience
-->Mid-June Interviews
-->Google Hangouts

London Catholic District School Board
(Was told I needed to meet in person for the interview, Woodstock)
(Contact made with HR)/Personal Experience
-->July Interviews
-->Personal Expereince
-->one time deal due to COVID-19?

Hamilton Wentworth Catholic District School Board
(Contact made with HR)/Personal Experience
-->Personal Expereince
-->one time deal due to COVID-19?

Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic D.S.B.:
(Contact made with HR)/Personal Experience
-->Late May Interviews
-->Personal Expereince

-->one time deal due to COVID-19?

Boards that do not conduct online interviews:

Dufferin-Peel Catholic D.S.B.:

Grand Erie D.S.B.:

Waterloo Catholic District School Board
(Stated on website)

Eastern Ontario Catholic District School Board:

On another note, its a little disappointing knowing that school boards that are closed and "working from home" among the other professionals are still not conducting online interviews for positions amidst the COVID-19 epidemic...ugh.