Friday, July 10, 2020

Moving to Guangzhou, GuanDong China. 2020 (Updated 2023)


Going through some of the old posts from back in the day (3 years ago now). Been in Guangzhou-living, teaching and studying. My family and I are 3 strong-our son attends the kindergarten of the school we are working at. 

For incoming teahcers, reach out in the comment section if you are interested in seeking work in Guangzhou and are a OCT. 

For folks heading this way, the highlights of the year are the ease on the COVID policy travel restrictions. Going to Hong Kong, very much a thing, working in China and leaving for trips abroad-also very much a thing! 

the nightlife in Guangzhou has been steadily picking up, the community is growing again nad the activities available are back. For that would be something like playing hockey once a week, for others, it could be Rugby, or catching a live concert.

Just wanted to rear my head, say hello and to reach out to the Guangzhou Reddit group if you are heading this way!
At an impass here with the family. We were going to be returning to Canada this summer to start our life and careers in Canada. Unfortunately COVD-19 didn't help the already "grim" looking financial situation a young family with a newborn child was already presenting.

After 6 years in China, getting married in both countries, travelling to Canada every summer and having our son in China-my wife and I worked towards a common goal of getting back to Canada so I could begin my teaching career in the place I hope to finish it.

Guangzhou-hot and sunny; school with Ontario Curriculum and its  city with everything we need (not to mention a new adventure). We found an opportunity there and now I am writing in search of more.

We know we will be living in Tianhe District and working in LongDong specfically.

From a short online write up about each district, it has helped me know how I will priortize my family's weekend getaways these next years.

(weekend walkabout)

Liwan-Shopping and Cultural Pieces

(weekend walkabout)

Yuexiu-Sun Yet-Sen Memorial Hall

...we'll live here...

Tianhe-Guangdong Museum, Opera House, Library and Shipai Village

(Sam's Birthday)?

Panyu- Linhua Mt. and theme parks

(Weekend Walkabout)

Haizhu-Canton Tower...that's the most important thing for our see/do list here

(if there is extra time/on the way home to Canada during flights with inconveneint departure times; generally I am in Baiyun once a week for hockey, there is a fairly well endowed mall called "BaiXinGuangChang" 百信广场)

Baiyun-Baiyun Mountain; Airport?

(Special time out with the miss)

Huangpu-Military Museums and Food: Yuzhu Tianwen Fish

(Meh-not looking for a reason to go from what I found)

Huadu-Airport? Industrial Park

(When heading to Shenzhen to see friends)

Nansha-Industrial Park/Home to the Fast Train Station

(random weekend walkabout-as we know of a farm out that way)

Zengcheng- Lychee Fruit Farms

(Random weekend(s) walkabout)

Conghua- Hot Springs and Heavenly Lake Recreation Arrea

On a Map, Tianhe District 天河区 looks like this-

Maybe this being too basic of a map of the district, but I guess its simplicity serves a different purpose or provides a different message-As "happening" as it looks, it may not be the end all be all of Guangzhou (as some have made it sound).

From this beautiful image, it looks like regardless of what sightseeing there is-there is an abundance of restuarants to try-I say that because I firmly believe for every city block there should be at least two restuarants nearby/on that block-which ya, means that sometimes a city block might have four if the whole block is 1-2 financial buildings/corporate offices. Just seems to fair observation that hasn't failed me yet when combing around in the rural necks of Chinese communities looking for food late at night.

Yes-food is that important to me, especially when moving to a place I had never lived before

A simple map below shows where the Tianhe District is-its funny though the way I first pictured it in my mind, when folks were saying-"where you will be working there is not much there"-I picture something like that of where I work now-a town with more bathhouses than bars (I know bathhouses are not a thing in the South, but you can understand my sentiments) and enough foreginers that you can learn everyone's name and birthdate in a month. Turns out, this is not the case. "Small town", "not much happening"? Man, some folks really haven't lived in rural China. Side note, Airport is located in Baiyun District, why do I know that? Well, let me tell you how many times this bloody airport has messed up my flight connections. Brightside-won't be needing to connect here ever again.

Can you guess what is the most reassuring thing about the map below? There are only four metro lines. Did you notice that they each layover on two max and only once on each line-very happy about that.

This seems like a good starting point for adventure and sight seeing. I love a bit of history and architecture!

To the fella that posted this map-Great minds think alike. I love maps like this and I love having it in an SVG format-however JPEG zoom it is-Its SVG enough for me! This is generally how I make the most of my tourist expereinces.

While in Guangzhou I am hoping to play some pick-up hockey (at least) or get on the ice and try to improve my game before my return to Canada. What I found after a tournament here in Dalian (Bethune Cup 2019-2020), was that there was a small time team playing in GZ called "Ghottown Wild", the two fellas I met on that team are from Russia-Art and Polar Bear. Beauties to say the least! I was wondering why the team was called "Ghottown Wild" until I came across some folklore based on Guangzhou, its in regards to a renowned symbol of GZ 'The Five Rams".

The story begins with five celestials that made their way into the region (now Guangzhou) on a ram each. They gave to the people blessings of prosperous land as well as sheaves of rice. After the celestials left town, their goats remained, but had turned into stone. Since-Guangzhou has been one of the most prominent cities in all of China.

Fun Fact: Guangzhou is sometimes referred to "Flower City" 化成 "Hua Cheng"

Some key Mandarin phrases:

Please take me to metro station.           请送我到进的爹铁站.


Please take me to the airport.            请送我去飞机场.


Please take me to the ______restaurant.          请送我去________饭店.


Please take me to ______ mall..       请送我去_______中心.


Please take me to ______ bar.           请送我去______酒吧.


Please show me which way to the market.           请送我去超市.


How much does this cost?                                                              多少钱


Do you have a fork (spoon)?                                                          您有叉子(勺子)吗?


Do you have bottled water?                                                           您有矿泉水吗?


Where is the washroom?                                                                洗手间在哪里?


Can you take me to China Mobile?                                              请送我去中国移动


Can you take me to the Bank of China?                                     请送我去中国银行


Where is an ATM?                                                                              自动取款机在哪?


Does this food have                                                                           您这里卖

Meat?            肉吗? 

Seafood?        海鲜吗

 Dairy?            奶制品?                                                                         

Chicken?         鸡肉?                                                                 

Pork?      猪肉?
 Beef?        牛肉?