Tuesday, April 4, 2023

PQP 1 and 2, Final Discussions, Reflections: On the Process and What This Means Now.

PQP #1 Log of Hours-Requirement Met.

Downloadable Document


PQP #2 Log of Hours-Surpassed.

Document shared here:

TpT Page Document


PQP #2 Self-Reflection of Learning Goals Feedback:

Apr 4, 2023 5:26 PM

Hello Carm,

All that is required here is the PQP learning goals reflection. I believe you may have to submit the other documents with your practicum, final submission.

With regards to my comments in relation to your reflections, despite the fact you were in a completely different time-zone on the other side of the world, your engagement throughout demonstrated your commitment and professionalism. Your posts effectively reflect your successful efforts at initiating and building learning communities as a leader within your school. Your consciousness and commitment to support diversity and promote inclusion, excellence, accountability, anti-racism, equity, partnerships and innovation was clearly evident in your posts and responses. It is clear that you are growing in your understanding of student-related legislation in Ontario. 

You have made significant contributions in your posts and responses to peers. You are clearly a reflective practitioner, passionate about making a difference for students and their families. I encourage you to continue to build on your strengths and utilize your shortcomings as stepping stones to a a more effective and human-centred approach forward.

Thank you for your compliments and encouragements to me as an instructor. I too hope we might meet in person one day in the future.

Congratulations on your successful completion of the PQP2 course requirements. Good luck with your practicum submission!

Kind regards,

Document can be found here:

Downloadable Document


PQP Final Submission

Document Package Submitted:

Found here: