Monday, April 20, 2020

TELL Specialist; Final Reflection

This final installment to my specializations in regards to TELL (Teaching English as a Second Language) has led me here, one step closer to my Principal Qualifications Program/Prerequisite!

These last 4 years of completing my AQ's through the OCT; Lakehead University and Trent University have been interesting, terrifyingly busy and ultimately some of the most valuable educational experiences I have EVER had. The school I have been working at couldn't even come class to offering professional development as engaging and thought provoking as some of the AQ's I have taken. My PLC is full of resourceful teachers and I would like to think that I am one of them. But when an administration hijacks the system to fulfill their own quotas and goals-regardless of how miniscule and irrelevant their topics of discussion may be-its a great way to tell the school community/PLC that YOU care. It is important though to note that every school has in house experts of varying varieties as well as staff who are participating in professional learning on their own bill. It needs to be realized that sometimes an administration needs to take time to recognize an area of need and meet it.

As a future administrator I promise to take advantage of my learned knowledge; strategies and experiences to benefit my staff. As an administrator I will value my staff, experts and PLC. If there is an opportunity for leadership and development, I will give that opportunity to another if they want it. I will note  excellence and commend it when I see it at every chance. My staff succeeds when they are able to build from each other's knowledge and experience in a PLC; I succeed when my staff succeeds.

I will provide the most up-to date information and guidance in regards to cases and expectations of teachers and staff from all sides in order to ensure that any school I work within is effective, ethical and equitable. As a person who has seen how beneficial an equitable system can be as well as how damaging an unsupportive system is, I find the TELL field to be of the up most importance in Canada as we experience our ever-changing identity in Canada. This is why becoming a specialist in the TELL field is so important to me.

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