Sunday, April 19, 2020

120 hr. TEFL Course Module 10-Getting a TESOL Job (Pt.2 What you need)

Module 10: Getting a TESOL job

10.1 What do you need?

There is much demand for qualified individuals to become teachers of English as a second language, so the most important job we now have is to ensure that you can find your way to the schools, companies, and organizations that are looking for someone like you. In this section, we will look specifically at what you need to get a job in the TESOL field, helping students who want to develop their proficiency in English.

College degree: Most schools and organizations will look for you to have at least a Bachelor’s Degree to become a TESOL teacher. That does not mean you need a BS or BA in TESOL, although there are majors that are more desirable than others. The majors that employers like to see, for example, are English, Language Arts, TESOL, Education, and Linguistics. Again, though, the demand for individuals is high in this field, so a BS or a BA in a different major does not count you out.

Close study of TESOL: Courses like this one give you the background that you need to look desirable to an employer. You may be required to get a specific certification, but many employers are looking for a background in TESOL, which you now have.

Work experience: For many of you, this course is your first step towards becoming a teacher or becoming a TESOL teacher, so you may not yet have work experience. However, many organizations and schools welcome interns and volunteers at different levels of commitment. Some of these organizations and schools offer a track towards full employment from these volunteer or intern positions. Other organizations and schools are looking for talented individuals to manage their volunteering staff, which could give you good experience that you can segue into a career as a TESOL teacher. Showing that you are passionate enough about your future career to work for free towards it will go a long way in the eyes of a potential employer.

A strong resume: We will discuss how to build and write a resume in the next section.

A good interview: We will also discuss interview techniques in great detail in a later section.

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