The modules provide a breakdown of near 60 % of the grade, so PARTICIPATION is crucial but the professor advertises flexibility as most Lakehead Professors are awesome and understanding like that (in my experience)-Background, I have taken 1 speciality (ELL) and various other AQ's with Lakehead. I completed my qualifications as a concurrent ed. teacher there, it is indeed, an exceptional place!
Nevertheless, from the course, in regards to 20% Module Assignments (Focus Areas)
"There are four modules in this course and each candidate is required complete each ‘Focus Area’ within the module in its entirety. At the end of each module, each candidate will be required to provide a reflective piece on the learning that has occurred.
As you complete your tasks and read your colleagues posts, new experiences have been gained or your thoughts and ideas may have been confirmed. When you begin your reflections after each module, think about why you are a life long learner and how has each ‘Focus Area’ activity has allowed you to gain more confidence as an educator working in the classroom. What meaningful information have you taken away and how will you implement change?
The purpose of this reflection is to show growth in your learning and allow you to make connections to your experiences. You must use the information from the readings to discuss your understanding of the process, and impact of leadership.
The reading reflection is a personal response to the readings and your colleagues’ discussions."
A further 40% is earned through Module Assignment Feedback (Focus Area Feedback to Others), this is called "Professional Dialogue" and actually one of the make or breaks of most AQ's in my opinion which is exactly why professors and course facilitators push it so much, I love being apart of an AQ where some or all members are fairly dedicated, posting good experience or providing helpful feedback for constructive purposes. Yes, I know some people think it's showing off, but realistically, if you got something good to share, is it really showing off? I remember being in an AQ where someone mentioned that in their 10 years of teaching experience they never seen or heard of "..." whatever theory and they felt it was a bogus thing created that serves no purposes (this was in response to someone else), it was said nicely, but still, it serves no purpose-and good for them, they taught for about 10 years or more, but I agree, feedback should be more critical. I will openly admit that I sometimes lean on a flexible prof because, yes, sometimes my posts are very much "That's nice, thanks for sharing", but I do wholeheartedly read posts, its just sometimes-I'm burnt out or honestly don't know much more about the topic that I could really make observations about at that particular time (usually this is because I was not fully engaged with readings)-I generally try to make up for that at some point in discussion posts or by offering resources in open forums/discussions that I feel might help those who need them.
from the course,
"You will be required to complete assigned tasks within each ‘Focus Area’ and promote discussion through responding to your colleagues’ post. Your posts and responses should be thoughtful and reflect the readings. References should be made from the readings and resources within each ‘Focus Area’ when you are creating your posts for the assigned questions. Ensure that you make connections to the classroom in areas of programming and implementation of strategies to promote student success.
You may wish to provide thought provoking discussions around a particular issue or topic and provide constructive feedback along the way.
In an online course, it is essential for collaboration amongst everyone as we are all learning from each other and can share valuable personal experiences, especially for those you don’t have a classroom yet. "
Rubric criteria for Level 4 (out of 4) Discussion Feedback:
"The quality of work demonstrates a thorough understanding of the concepts learned in the focus area. Uses critical thinking to provide deeper meaning and the analyzing of resources is very evident. Posts are always valid and are posted in a timely manner. Reflective growth is consistently shown through the application of concepts and through the implementation of strategies. Reference is always made through the professional readings/resources and examples are stated to clarify thoughts. The contributions relating to the course expectations of the tasks are always evident."
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