Monday, September 27, 2021

In Regards China and Noted Power Outages (Sept/2021)

 Posting this as I wasn't sure how to actually add it to Reddit, new at posting and its through a third-party APP.


Recently in the news China has also decided that they would not build Skyscraper classified buildings (thinking of Canton Tower, or The Shenzhen Financial Building) for the next few years to conserve energy. It is certainly a positive movement and interesting timing for this policy to be made public as they begin to also loosen up the "Zero-COVID Tolerance" that has been creating a lot of strife in and outside of the country.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Lesson Plan for the Online International Teacher in China (ENG4U) "Day 3"

Posting my lesson plan for an online lesson stint I need to participate in so I can keep things running smoothly (however disruptive online teaching is to a classroom). Anyways, sharing-advertising, feel free to comment and/or check out my teacherspayteachers!


Day "3"


Today Students are going to be debating in groups (2 at a time), their topics were delivered to them two days ago and students were preparing their arguments as well as the debate in the form of an essay (this is their homework tonight)

As audience (when they are not debating), the students will be providing feedback for their classmates during the debates they are not actively participating as contendors.


-Debate format document

-Debate rubric

-Oral Rubric

-Debate Rules

-Essay Expectations Page

Learning Goals:

1. To better understand the process of debate

2. To demonstrate understanding of methods in argumentation

Success Criteria:

1. I have found evidence to support an idea in regards to a particular topic

2. I have actively participated in the development of an argument


-Students will begin by responding to the attendance question in the chat box.


-Students will be getting into their debate groups

They will then need to listen to an explanatino by the teacher in regards to the task.

Students will be expected to organize the rooma nd have all cameras opena nd on with clear audio available for listeners

Students Who are not actively particcipating but are audience, will be given a rubric for a speaker that they will provide constructive feedback for.


Students will then be given the floor and the first debate will begin 

The teacher will discuss the details of the rules as needed, and organize a timer for the debate


Students will come back from break, ask any questions needed

The student groups will switch as the first debate should be over and the next two teams are up.

The debate will end.


Students will be expected to go home and organize their "essays"

Lesson Plan for the Online International Teacher in China (ENG2D) "Day 2"

Posting my lesson plan for an online lesson stint I need to participate in so I can keep things running smoothly (however disruptive online teaching is to a classroom). Anyways, sharing-advertising, feel free to comment and/or check out my teacherspayteachers!


Day "2"


Today students are going to be starting class by reading a text and then looking for the who, what, where, when, why and how in the article provided. Working individually they will need to find the same information in regards to assigned article by the teacher.

Afterwards, the class will have opportunity to continue their work



-Article #1 (class reading)

-Articles#1-4 (individual reading/examination)

Learning Goals:

1. To demonstrate abilities in deducing context clues

2. To demonstrate understanding of news article structure

Success Criteria:

1. I have found the different parts of a lead paragraph

2. I have created questions about the article I have read to demonstrate understanding of the text


-Students are going to be reading one by one (until the article is finished as a class), the news article as decided by the teacher

Students will be completing attendance questions for the teacher if they have not yet read before the end of the article



-RECALL; The teacher will briefly lecture with students about :Who what where when why and how", mostly asking students to describe and demonstrate from the original article

-They will need to use highlighting to show the who what where when why and how of the articles they are reading.


Students will return and respond to the follow-up prompt


-Students create 5 original questions about the article they were reading

-Students answer assigned questions by classmate.


-Last 5 minutes of class


Monday, September 13, 2021

Lesson Plan for the Online International Teacher in China (ENG2D) "Day 1"

Posting my lesson plan for an online lesson stint I need to participate in so I can keep things running smoothly (however disruptive online teaching is to a classroom). Anyways, sharing-advertising, feel free to comment and/or check out my teacherspayteachers!


Day "1"


Today students are going to be taking turns presenting an infographic that they found and comprehended. They will need to create 6 questions and post them to the discussion forum.

They will need to assign these questions to a class mate who will answer them in complete and full sentences.

Afterwards, the class will have a group dsicussion about which infographics were  easier to read than others and why.



Learning Goals:

1. To demonstrate abilities in reading graphics

2. To demonstrate abilities in thinking critically about a picture/graphic

Success Criteria:

1. I have selected an image that has information on it

2. I have created questions that show how i comprehend the graphic


-Students are going to be taking turns presenting an infographic that they found and comprehended. They will need to create 6 questions and post them to the discussion forum.

Students will begin by responding to the attendance question in the chat box.


Such as:


-They will need to assign these questions to a class mate who will answer them in complete and full sentences.


Students will return and respond to the follow-up prompt


-Students asnwer assigned questions by classmate.


-The class will have a group dsicussion about which infographics were  easier to read than others and why.

-Last 5 minutes of class


Lesson Plan for the Online International Teacher in China (ENG4U) "Day 1"

Posting my lesson plan for an online lesson stint I need to participate in so I can keep things running smoothly (however disruptive online teaching is to a classroom). Anyways, sharing-advertising, feel free to comment and/or check out my teacherspayteachers!


Day "1"


Today Students are going to be searching through the internet for an example of an advertisement that will need to be shown to the teacher and then to the class discussing whether the advert uses Ethos/Pathos/Logos.

The Advert will be shared with the class online and discussed in the same discussion forum where students will be expected to create a post on at least one of their classmate's adverts describing a language technique or organizational technique that they believe is used in the advert.

Students will then be using the rest of the class time to learn about how to debate and what the debate shall look like as well as have an opporunity to seek support in understanding how the debate will be marked.

Students will be split up into groups and then expected to begin research on topics that allow for ANY type of evidence so as long as it is on point/topic (as much as we can control that with these topics).


-Debate format document

-Debate rubric

-Oral Rubric

Learning Goals:

1. To better understand the process in the development of an argument

2. To demonstrate understanding of argumentative forms

Success Criteria:

1. I have found evidence to support an idea in regards to a particular topic

2. I have actively participated in the development of an argument


-Students will begin by responding to the attendance question in the chat box.


-Students will be given an example such as this: (from the internet, source provided)

They will then need to listen to an explanatino by the teacher in regards to the task.

Students will be given 10 minutes to investigate a grpahic that they feel utilizes (noticeably) either, ethos, pathos or logos. They will need to describe which is used in their discussion posts that they will make on the LMS after finding the graphic.

Students will then go to the discussion post for 5 minutes, choose a post with no replies and comment on what language or organizational tehcnique is used.


Students will then be given the documents referred to as Rubrics

The teacher will discuss the details of the rubric and allow for questions

The teacher will then ask students to open the debate format document.


Students will come back from break, ask any questions needed

Students will be shown a video of harvard students participating in a debate.

Open the floor to discussion.

Teacher will arrange students into groups (3 min), and then deliver topics based on teacher discretion.


Students will be in discussion with teacher in regards to discussion, the topics are to be researched duirng stufy block that night.