Here was a great site that is excellent for empowering students to be conscientious of their own grades as well as a quick review for teachers how calculating grades without the use of excel and gradebook software.
Personally, I like what a resource like "Markbook" by Academia produces. The reason I like this is because as an Ontario teacher we need to meet the prequesities of assessment and evaluation which is the observation, conversation and product collection (as introduced by S. Herbst as "Triangulation of Data") that reflects student's Application; Communication; Thinking and Inquiry; Knowledge and Understanding. Each of these categories need to be equally reflected through the course's assessment and evaluation in the end, (thus each with a category weight of 25%), the course is then defined as further broken down into "three parts" usually, unless the course is not an examable course (e.g. Physical Education; Civics and Careers, etc. as these courses, students will benefit from an inquiry-based project to act as the summative culminating assessment-validated by the previous course work assessments). The Course Work portion of the examable class would be "70%" and the other portions, would be the "culminating tasks", in which case the Exam would be a further "10%" and finally, the Culminating project, "20%".