Saturday, February 26, 2022

A 21st Century Teacher Challenge #2-"21st Century Learners and Technology"

 Essential Question: "How am I engaging learners of the 21st century and preparing them for life in the 21st century?"

What does it mean to engage a learner of the 21st century?

"human beings must acquire totally different knowledge, skills and strengths in order to survive and thrive in the increasingly more complex world"

How is the type of knowledge students need/gain different than that of life prior to the 21st century?

a) Hunter-Gatherer Lifestyle

-Survival in nature

-Tool making (primitive)

-Tracking and hunting

-Basic necessity scavenging/nomadic life



b) Agricultural Basis

-Survival from the land

-Man made tools/animal drawn tools

-Planting and harvesting

-Livestock/domestication of animals

c) Industrial Based

-Function within an organization


-Industrialization of production

-Management of people


-Persuasive methodology

d) Information-Rich

-Technological skill sets

-Empathetic capacities

-Extended Literacy

Specifically students can practice the following to better prepare for the 21st century,


-Managing impulsivity

-Listening with understanding and empathy

-Thinking flexibly

-Thinking about thinking (metacognition)

-Striving for accuracy

-Questioning and posing problems

-Applying past knowledge to new situations

-Thinking and communicating with clarity and precision

-Gathering data through all senses

-Responding with wonderment and awe

-Taking responsible risks

-Finding humour

-Thinking interdependently

-Remaining open to continuous learning

These qualities feed into the success of learners in the modern world as the need for collaborative attributes thickens.


Try to produce one activity each week that involves extended use of technology to "view, respond, or participate in", over each week. This can be the use of an online quiz/game; discussion posting; videos over third party platforms or the production of a poster through an online graphic design site.

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