Monday, December 2, 2019

TELL M3: T4-Setting the Tone

Resources for the module:

After you have familiarized yourself with the learning materials for this task, choose 1 of the 3 questions below to answer. In order to respond to your chosen question, incorporate the learning materials reviewed, conduct research, visit a school and/or interview an ESL teacher. Also, be sure to share any personal insight and/or experiences of your own in your response.

Question 1: Share an example of UDL principles that you have incorporated to support students.

Question 2: How can UDL principles be incorporated into literacy? What does it look like, sound like and feel like when you are differentiating the learning for students in the classroom?

Question 3: Outline reasons why UDL principles support ELLs and Students with special needs.

UDL is not simply a learning framework for linguistics it is a development of the overarching idea that Bloom coined when he developed his taxonomy for multiple intelligences. For an area of disability, that student will likely have a strength to crutch it. The strengths that students sometimes have may not be clear or apparent to other students, teachers or even their own parents-other times, it just takes time and routine for a student to "catch-up" to developing an understanding for how things work but eventually being able to find their niche in the world. Many times, students with disabilities seem to NEED support, (which they do) but this sometimes disables people from noticing their strengths, whether it be something unfathomable-like counting falling match sticks; or something that we may not yet fully understand its purpose for-like unconditional empathy for others.

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