Monday, June 23, 2014

Annual fees.

Ugh. Annual fees, you see them and pay them everywhere, you want

-be a fisherman
-have a job
-be a teacher....
-have credit
-be able to drive
-be able to shop
-be able to sell
-get help

...the list goes on. We are obsessed with money and I know you know this. It's no secret and if you can't see that yet, well, you should let me know and I'll do a blog series about it :p 

Every year Teachers pay I to their college, so for me I'm paying OCT and BCT because in order to call myself and become a certified teacher, I need to have money, not to mention a credit card to do so. Therefore I'm paying an annual fee to have an annual fee -_- I know you can look at it in different ways and be positive or negative about it, but the stone cold truth is, everything needs finding and instead of getting it from elsewhere they are taking it from the people who it goes to.

I used to work for the city, and even thouj I didn't pay taxes in the city or township I worked in, there were individuals who did. Now granted all taxes are divided up and what not or go towards different areas and what not but the people who lived in the city, were working for the city and therefore paying their own wages in a manner of speaking. See what I mean? It's a freaking loop. Add in this and that, deductions and rebates, whatever, the point is, there needs to be another way to earn. 

This other way that some people recognize is what gets people into trouble. Dubai has the right idea. I was looking at a job there for teaching. The pay was 10 to 12k a I said wow. That is something else, I was telling someone about it and they told me it was to keep their countries money in their country. I'm not an economist or anything remotely professional in the realm of politics or policy. The reality that a gov't is able to self sustain is there, we see it in small scale socialism and our own personal businesses. 

I'm not trying to say we pay taxes for nothing, we do, we have that wonder healthcare, and ya...I guess our right to live here...even though we were born here and born with the perpetual health (some of us) that we should be allowed to keep. 

This discussion is more along the lines of, we pay for everything and I believe in paying it forward more than I believe in paying for sonethibg. I'm not saying go out and steal or pirate, but why can't we barter, why can't we exchange goods and services. The answer, no money in it. 

Here we go, I'm getting into my rant about our obsession with competition and excess. I was in Costa Rica. It was beautifully untouched in some spots. But then there were others where it was untouched, yet obviously it was not if they were able to build resorts and what not around there. I'm not talking down their way of living I just am trying to paint a picture for you, these people who vacation there and wherever constantly, fail to realize the repercussions of their "buying into tourism". 

I had this conversation with someone close to me and I think we came to a stale mate. Yes it is their way of earning, no they don't need much cause they are just trying to make a legitimate living, unlike us who are obsessed with excess and everything else that money can buy. But when we are going to places like this and buying into this way of living, we are condoning this lifestyle they have. I just fail to see what gives us the right to a life of whatever the hell we want, where they struggle to make half the living we do. I just fee more often than not, there is a power distance between two entities everywhere. I use my trip to Costa Rica as an example because instead of just seeing it and reading about it, I was apart of it. Ya I had a great time on vacation there and I would never say these thoughts to someone unless I knew they could handle it but, there were points on vacation that I felt like shit cause I'm enjoying myself in their homeland without a worry while they are forces to sit there and accommodate. Granted ya some of them can earn in other ways. But I'm saying most of them, are in tourism. How is a country supposed to become their own country and a strong country, a recognized entity to the world when they are constantly worrying about serving the rest of the world. I knownhownjpnest sounds and no I am not saying they are less than us, or anything like that, they are of the same world as is, but when you think of these places, what do you think of? Seriously, if said anything other than white sand and beaches, bite me. You think of vacation because that's what they are known as, when the reality of it is, there is corruption like everywhere else, if not worse; there are health problems, prevalent poverty (in our terms) lack of resources in some areas. When we think of china, we don't think vacation, we think of industry, electronics, maybe fast and furious (even though that is wrong!). But do you get it now, do you see how we are he ones who decide what a place is known for. How we are the ones determining the next five years of industry for certain places. It's no frikin secret certain countries are at the top of food chain and will always be there because we are so wound up in our own lives that we are not seeing the forest for the trees.

As I said before I'm not an expert on politics and policy or even financial well being, I'm a dreamer and if you ask me, I'm not the only one. 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Job market in canada

No jobs. That is all. 

Nah, there are jobs. And lots just, very hard to find, costly to have or further from home. Some jobs are exactly what you are looking for, if you have the qualifications for it. 

I am a catholic highschool teacher in the subjects of English and social science. There are very, and I mean , very few jobs for me here in Ontario. Across canada though there are lots of jobs, the problem with these jobs is the cost of living as well as the fact that I have a student loan I need to clean up. Jobs here on canada will not allow me to clean up my debt quickly or work where I would prefer. Granted beggars can't be choosers but, if I am moving away from friends and family; might as well go big! 

Overseas. This is where a lot of beginning teachers are going, you need to be careful when going overseas to teach though. See next post.

In Canada's more urban areas if you are lucky, a starting teacher can be looking at 35-40 ish thousand a year with benefits. As a French teacher, you are probably entitled to a wee bit more. 

If you are a beginning teacher going north, you can certainly make a pretty penny. However be prepared for small community living and harsh winters. A worth while experience, but you need to want to go. 

In Alberta, and some other booming places, you can reach around 60ish thousand, however you need to realize this is because of the cost of living is higher. This is something to be aware of no matter where you go, this is a big part of the reason I was not overly enthused about working overseas, my biggest  offers  were from England which can be extremely expensive, not only to start up but to live as well. 

In the name of experience, just go with it. I'm heading to china. Stay in touch and remember to keep following :)

