Thursday, July 18, 2019

Special Education Teacher's Backpack! A bit of a start off resource

Below are documents, weblinks, sites, and videos for teachers to begin their understanding of special needs in the classroom.

If you need more help or like something posted here please feel free to comment below as I check on a regular basis and love responding to talk pedagogy  as well as experience.

If you would like your resources shared here for people to use and beta test for you (or purchase) feel free to comment below with more details or contact information!


This site alone has almost everything I would need as a beginning teacher in the special ed field to feel and look organized.


Its important to work (with students who are able to), in goals and personal awareness


This poster is a great resource for non-verbal students to use at the beginning of the school day with their teachers.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Special Education Pt.1 Module 4: Assignment-"Accommodation and Modification"

Assignment - Accommodations and Modifications

Create an interactive game or activity to demonstrate your understanding of the difference between accommodations and modifications that could be used at a staff meeting or in a demonstration with parents whose child is on an IEP.

Watch this clip to help you think of a creative game for staff, which would demonstrate accommodations and modifications.


Accommodation is focused on "how" the child learns

Modification is focused on "what" the child learns

Here is a Kahoot! developed for teachers to use in accommodation and modification understanding consolidation at the end of a PLC activity.

Other resources

Special Education Pt.1 Module #5-(Readings) "Physical exceptionalities"

Discussion Board Response

After completing all readings, respond to the following on the Discussion Board: What is the role of support staff in supporting students with special education needs? What is the role of the teacher? What can you do, as the classroom teacher, to ensure that a student with EA or CYW support is not affected by 'responsibility by default'?

Topic 1: Physical Disability

Learning Goal

We are learning to...

we critically explore and integrate research in the scholarship of pedagogy into teaching practice.


Special Education in Ontario Schools by S. Bennett, D. Dworet and K. Weber - Chapters 13 & 15

Teaching Assistants Don't Boost Pupils' Progress, report finds.pdf

The Ontario Ministry of Education defines a Physical Disability as a condition of such severe physical limitation or deficiency as to require special assistance in learning situations to provide the opportunity for educational achievement equivalent to that of pupils without exceptionalities who are of the same age or development level.

Students with physical disabilities, including students with chronic health problems, often face challenges both socially and academically in school due to their conditions. These students may feel socially isolated for various reasons. They may be unable to participate in other activities that other students participate in or they may spend time alone receiving therapy, self-care or they may be working alone using adaptive technology etc.

With suitable accommodations many students with Physical Exceptionalities are able to complete a regular academic program. A regular classroom placement should be the first consideration. Those who are in self-contained special education classes are integrated into age or grade appropriate classrooms for academic and social opportunities. Due to mobility, safety and personal care needs, students with physical disabilities are sometimes supported by an Educational Assistant for the majority of the school day.

Blind and Low Vision

The Ontario Ministry of Education defines blind and low vision as a condition of partial or total impairment of sight or vision that even with correction affects educational performance adversely.

Children with visual impairments will often need the assistance of specialized teachers and equipment along with other accommodations to learn (e.g., Braille, optical aids, mobility assistance, etc.). Incidental learning does not happen with children with a visual impairment. They require support and direct teaching to learn things that other students may just pick up. It goes without saying, that a teacher must utilize all learning modalities to effectively have these students acquire concepts. Many students with a visual impairment often lack positive social skills and the ability to effectively interact with others. Many will experience isolation without support. Assistive technology and an inclusive classroom help them to achieve success.

“Responsibility by default is not unusual in the case of students with severe disabilities [and sometimes those without severe disabilities too]. Most of the time, it occurs when an educational assistant becomes the sole teacher, classroom caregiver, or even, unfortunately, the sole companion of a student with profound needs. The issue is a particularly difficult one to solve, for the student's needs are usually very demanding, and it is both realistic and sensible for the needs to be dealt with by the person who is most familiar and competent. Often this is the educational assistant."

“This type of management runs counter to the purpose of an inclusive classroom placement and is also antithetical to the objective behind placing a student in a self-contained class in a neighbourhood school.” (Bennett, Dworet & Weber, 2013, p. 201)

Topic 2: Students' Needs

Learning Goal

We are learning to...
enhance awareness of holistic learning environments conducive to the intellectual, social, emotional, physical, linguistic, cultural, spiritual and moral development of the student.

Special Education in Ontario Schools by S. Bennett, D. Dworet and K. Weber - Chapter 7
Learning for All 2013.pdf , p. 42-50

Knowing what a student needs are requires an assessment. When are assessments completed? Teachers are assessing their students all day every day. There are formal assessments of course, but a teacher in a classroom performs student assessments continuously. They observe and monitor their students' academic progress, socialinteractions and behaviours as an integral part of their teaching day.

"Student needs are deficits in specific skills that impede academic, physical, behavioural and self help activities in daily living or social achievement. Student needs are determined by teachers and/or other professionals (sometimes through formal assessments) and in consultation with parents/guardians. Student needs can be effectively addressed through appropriate teaching strategies." Source: OTF's


First and foremost we as teachers are required to follow the standards of practice as outlined by the OCT; Professional Knowledge, Professional practice; Leadership in Professional Learning Communities; Ongoing Professional Learning. Each of these standards falls into areas that need to be inferred in a class by class situation. Just as a student doesn't choose their teacher; a teacher doesn't get to choose their students. It is recognized that some classes provide more challenging situations for teachers, but as a doctor takes an oath to save every life the same-regardless murdered, criminal, homeless-a teacher takes a role in educating the students equitably. There are myths and misunderstandings (I think), that make it clouded by the EA/TA, parents and Teacher about the roles of each in the classroom/outside of classroom.

The teacher is provided with an EA to help make a classroom a more effective learning environment for the students. parents are usually unaware that the EA is working under direction of the teacher/school board based on case by case needs/facts. In situations that an EA is needed, the parents are/should be working in a "team-based approach" to provide supports for their child, the student. The EA is under instruction and direction of the classroom teacher ( which means the student will receive supports needed as observed by the school and teacher. The parents need to communicate and work with the school/teacher to provide background information on a day to day or week to week basis (however/whatever is reasonable in the particular situation). For students with diseases or disorders that have been familiarized in the school, usually the most times for communication are during transition periods.

In new occurring cases, the first year could be entirely focused on communication of observations taken in class, it depends on the case/situation. By no means does any of this put the teacher in a position of ease because the teacher still needs to provide curriculum insight and specialized instruction/differentiated content to the Ea/TA for student support. TA/EA support staff are exactly-support staff. If they were specifically teachers for that student, they would have their own classroom and be teaching curriculum designed for students with special needs. Again, this is from my perspective and understanding. I have never had support staff in any classroom I have been in, I would curious to see what the communication between, the teacher, parent and support staff would be like on a week-to-week basis in regards to functionality, who would contact the parents and who would be designing the modified instruction for the student-form my perspective it would be the teacher in both cases-am I right? or?


Special Education Pt.1 Module #5: Assignment "Students' Needs"

Assignment - Students' Needs

For this assignment you will be exploring students' needs. Explore the needs of a student from one of the case studies in your course text.

Assessing the needs of a student from a textual context will obviously not provide you with same quality needs assessment you would have as a teacher in the classroom. A teacher in the classroom is able to assess the needs of a student from the OSR and first-hand observations of the student - providing a more comprehensive assessment. 

What this task attempts to do is familiarize you with the many layers that a teacher builds on to help a student learn - beginning with assessing the needs of a student. Knowing the needs of a students directs a teacher in the strategies that he or she can employ to help a student achieve success.

1. Choose a case study from your course text.
2. Consider the information you know about the student in your case study, which supports your needs assessment (there may be some criteria you need to make inferences about).
3. What are his or her needs based on what you know or can infer about your student (there may be multiple needs - for example, if a need is hearing, listening and attention skills may also be a need for consideration)?
4. Based on the needs assessment, what are the teaching strategies that you would use to meet the student's needs (if they have more than one):

assessment accommodations
Consider assistive technologies, if applicable.

Student profile provided is available online here:

After reviewing "The Case of Xianan Yu" in Chapter 13 of Special Education in Ontario Schools by Bennet,
Dewort, and Weber it was clear that this case was accurately described as ABI (Acquired Brain Injury)
in which the student's motor functions were predominantly afflicted rather than cognitive more resource time
alongside a teaching assistant after already having a full-time in class EA available. They are also requesting
a new faster processing computer that can be assembled to the wheel chair for their child. This
function (196-197, 2013). Xianan Yu's parents are requesting for more aides available. Currently insurance
is providing the educational assistant for Xianan Yu, While the wheelchair and computer are presumably
supports offered by the school. The child must have available resources for in class function as motor skills aside
from speaking have all been severely impacted.

Xianan Yu is impacted mentally/cognitively through frustrations when challenged academically. This has
proven difficult for the student as they come from a lifestyle of socializing and and athleticism. There is little
evidence of memory skill needs, however it is unclear the extent of damage the student has sustained which afflicts
their in class performance in regards to prior knowledge-even then it is more described as "vocabulary recall" rather
than content recall.

This is important to note as it frustrates the student to be separated physically and academically. The student
needs to be included in classroom activities or they will fall behind. This is conversely remarked against through
the "slow yet effective" practice of the EA in class.

Xianan Yu is quadriplegic and cannot participate in physical activities which means there is a need for modification
of curriculum in regards to mobility skills. Inclusive and customized activities with classmates and necessary for this
student, the once extremely social and talkative student is at risk for "sadness" as defined by the OTF ( During the class time, the student should be included in the class work and supported academically by the teacher as well as EA.

The student's supports are environmental based mostly. The class content missed will be developed over time and through classroom supports.There are some on-going assessments that should be conducted to get a more clear picture of what this student really needs because as of now, the school board doesn't see fit to offer more academic supports or refined supports for a high functioning student with needs. I would recommend an iPad be installed with a protective case and adapters provided for the student's support workers/family to help switch through programs/functions with ease as well as to lower the weight of the wheelchair making the student able to move a bit faster through public areas. The extremely slow pace of life the student needs to be understanding of is a huge transition from that of a hockey player's life (speaking from experience, short term).

Special Education Pt.1 Module 6: (Readings) "The Individual Education Plan (IEP)"/Discussion Board Post

Discussion Board Response

After completing all readings, respond to the following on the Discussion Board: It is vital that parents are involved in their children's learning. How as teachers can we ensure they are involved? How can we involve students in the IEP process?

When I was a student, our teacher involved us in the process by starting the filling out of the paper at school so in the event it were lost on the way home our name would be on it and it could be returned. But the main idea of the teacher at that time I think would have generally been to get us aware of our plan and goals in the future. (We didn't necessarily all have IEP's but similar things). The teacher explained how we needed to fill them out and then bring it home for the parents to fill in. I believe at that time (after speaking to my parents about it), they said nothing every really came of it, a few parents (including my own) went to meet with the teacher and it was basically something he did to allow parents who felt their child had needs, could voice those through the documents sent home. Again, I (and my parents) can't remember what the document was but I do specifically remember in grade 7, being given something similar to an IEP while classmates were specifically given an IEP.

Although, I think a whole class approach like that done is wrong. I like to think the idea of opening a dialogue between parents (all), one-on-one for them to express thoughts and opinions of their child's learning is super important.

Topic 1 : The Individual Education Plan (IEP)

Learning Goals

We are learning to...
understand and interpret Ontario’s curriculum, policies, frameworks, strategies and guidelines.
develop an understanding of, and capacity to work with and critically analyze the various categories and definitions of exceptionalities in Ontario.
explore strategies on how to work effectively with students with special education needs at all stages of their school careers.
understand the relevance of the Education Act, Ministry of Education curriculum expectation, regulations and current policy memoranda.
critically explore fair, equitable, transparent, valid and reliable assessment and evaluation processes that honour the dignity, emotional wellness and cognitive development of all students.

Special Education in Ontario Schools by Bennett, Dworet and Weber - Chapters 4 & 5
The Individual Educaton Plan IEP: A Resource Guide - IEP Resource Guide.pdf

Reference site to explore...
OTF: Teachers Gateway to Education -

What is an IEP? The Ontario Teachers' Federation describes an IEP as...

'... a written plan for learning, developed for students with special needs, who may or may not be formally identified as exceptional. The IEP outlines special education programming with accommodations and/or modifications of curriculum. The plan may also include alternative programming and transition plans. An IEP is considered a “working document”, as it is revised and changed throughout the year in response to the student’s progress and needs.’

The IEP is a legal document so it is important that you learn as much as you can about developing one.

If you have questions, please ask!

As you read through the materials on IEPs, make note of the individual sections that you will need to refer to when completing your IEP assignment.
The Invidual Education Plan IEP - A Resource Guide
Reason for Developing the IEP – p.20
Exceptionality – p.21
Placement – p.21
Relevant Assessment Data – p.22
Strengths and Needs – p.23
Courses/Subjects/Alternative Programs – p.25
Exemptions – p.27
Accommodations – p.28
Modifications – p.30
Alternative Programs and Courses – p.37
Human Resources – p.38
Provincial Assessments – p.39
Transition Plan – p.40 transition plans are a requirement - PPM156 *
IEP Development Team – p.41
Sources Consulted – p.41
Parent Consultation – p.42

*PPM 156, dated February, 2013 sets out for school boards and schools new requirements for transition plans for students with special education needs from Kindergarten to Grade 12.

Topic 2: Communication with Parents and Guardians

Learning Goals

We are learning to...
explore strategies that contribute to a culture that promotes openness and innovation.
critically inquire and explore practices that foster resiliency and create a supportive and caring environment.

Special Education in Ontario Schools by Bennett, Dworet and Weber, Chapter 6
Ministry website on IPRC -
York Region Parent IEP Resource: The Individual Education Plan _I.E.P._ - A Guide for Parents.pdf
Parent Engagement - Parent Engagement.pdf

Communication with parents of all students is important. Ensuring parents with students with exceptionalities are informed and understand how and what their children are learning is a responsibility that teachers find challenging at times.

As you read through the above readings consider the following:
What is an IPRC and what should parents know about it? What should you know about an IPRC?
How can you ensure parents/guardians understand the IEP?

Special Education Pt.1 Module 4: (Readings) Intellectual Exceptionalities/Discussion Board Post

Discussion Board Response

After completing all readings, which includes the Ministry of Education resource on Assistive Technology, research and share on the discussion board an Assistive Technology (AT) which can be used in the classroom.

Please be sure not to duplicate the same technology another participant has posted.

Be sure to...

Identify the name of the Assistive Technology (AT).
Include a brief description of what it is and how it works.
Identify the student who would benefit from the technology (e.g., student with mild intellectual disability, gifted student, student with dyslexia, student with low vision etc.).
Include an online link to the AT if you have one.

This mid-tech Assistive technology that can be used in the classroom (as I am presenting today), could be many things-but today is, the use of iPads as AT in the classroom. In particular I am discussing the practicality of the "Sensory light box app" by apple on the Appstore. The technology is a first step for non-verbal individuals.

This APP does cost money, I don't think I would ever personally buy it, I would much rather turn my laptop into this and then hook it up with an HDMI cable to a flat screen TV. The app essentially launches sounds and colours on the screen to stimulate or captivate audience.

When a parent of a non-verbal child diagnosed with ASD, the Sensory Light Box is a support tool in develop understanding cause and reaction rather than a direct communicative technology. This also encourages non-verbal individuals to respond to stimuli. Personally, using this I would (have not yet), be inclined to use it as a stepping stone or an assessment tool to understand behaviours. According to information provided about it by Apple co. this app is actually used to assist with behaviour programming in non-verbal individuals.

Historically, intellect was seen as a fixed, innate quantity - you have what you were born with. However, more and more research has shown that intelligence is a much more malleable and broader concept with many different qualities and components than was previously thought.

Mild Intellectual Disabilities

The Ontario Ministry of Education defines a Mild Intellectual Disability as a learning disorder characterized by:
an ability to profit educationally within a regular class with the aid of considerable curriculum modification and supportive service
an inability to profit educationally within a regular class because of slow intellectual development
a potential for academic learning, independent social adjustment and economic self-support

Students with Mild Intellectual Disabilities may have regular class placements, but often with modified expectations. They also often require explicit instruction and significant program accommodations. Some school boards provide alternative vocational programming for these students in high school or intensive self-contained classes in elementary school.

Developmental Disability

The Ministry of Education defines a Developmental Disability as a severe learning disorder characterized by:
an inability to profit from a special education program for students with mild intellectual disabilities because of slow intellectual development
an ability to profit from a special education program that is designed to accommodate slow intellectual development
a limited potential for academic learning, independent social adjustment, and economic self-support

Generally, a development disability (older Ontario legislation still uses the term “mental retardation”) is diagnosed when a clinical assessment finds a person is below the population average by at least 2 standard deviations on a measure of intelligence (WISC or Stanford-Binet) and a measure of adaptive behaviour (such as the The VinelandAdaptive Behaviour Scales).

These disabilities usually result in significant limitations in a variety of functional activities. Often these students require direct intervention. Many students with developmental disabilities are placed in alternate programs focusing on self-care, language, communication, life and social skills, independence, basic learning needs and adaptive functioning.


The Ontario Ministry of Education defines giftedness as an unusually advanced degree of general intellectual ability that requires differentiated learning experiences of a depth and breadth beyond those normally provided in the regular school program to satisfy the level of educational potential indicated.

Students identified as gifted possess special talents or abilities in academics, creativity and/or leadership. These students tend to be very curious, learn in different ways than their peers and think quite abstractly. Often with gifted students comes a variety of social and behavioural concerns. Historically, giftedness was based on exclusive definitions based on statistical distributions (e.g., the top 2-3% of the population based on IQ scores on an individual assessment). This narrow approach has often been seen as elitist and exclusionary. It is now recognized that many intellectual domains are not measured solely by an IQ test.

To meet the needs of gifted learners, educators often:
accelerate learning where appropriate
offer the opportunity to work with similarly talented peers
tap potential by offering original and complex learning situations
use of higher forms of discourse such as debate and discussion
involve students in planning, decision making and implementation
emphasize collaborative work and project based learning
allow choice, creativity, discovery and experimentation
provide integrated, cross-curricular and thematic studies
integrate the use of technology
emphasize higher level thinking skills and offer problem solving opportunities

(From Ontario Ministry of Education. Special Education Companion, 1999)


Topic 2: Accommodations and Modifications

Learning Goals

We are learning to...
critically explore fair, equitable, transparent, valid and reliable assessment and evaluation processes that honour the dignity, emotional wellness and cognitive development of all students
critically explore strategies for collaboration with in-school personnel, parents/guardians and the community

The Invidual Education Plan IEP: A Resource Guide.pdf , p. 25-26, 28-37
Learning for All 2013.pdf , p. 24, 26
OTF: Accommodations -
OTF: Modifications -

Equal education is not all students getting the same, but all students getting what they need. Approaching all learners the same academically doesn't work. We have to start where each child is in his learning process in order to authentically meet his academic needs and help him or her grow. If a child has an IEP, it is required that all teachers provide accommodations and modifications to assignments and instruction for that student.

Making an assignment, task, or objective different for one student than the rest of the class is meeting that child where they are in their learning journey. It's okay, you don't have to feel bad or feel as if you are being unfair, or lowering the bar. You are the child's teacher and you spend enough time with her to understand what she needs. And remember, equality is about meeting the needs of the individual.

Here's an example:

It's a high school language arts class, and students are reading a novel. The daily objective is practicing inference and application of this skill. They are writing a brief essay predicting what the character Crooks from Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men might do next. They must pull textual evidence from the book to support their predictions and claims.

But Diana is seated over there, frustrated. She is struggling with the concept of inference, partly because she is reading below her grade level. Knowing this about her reading abilities, and other challenges indicated on her IEP, do I expect her to stay the course, or do I admit that success for her with this assignment as it stands is not likely? I decide to give Diana the task of listing five adjectives to describe the character Crooks. She has to find one quote from the character in the book to prove one or more of the words she has chosen. There are similarities to these two assignments, but different enough to ensure a higher probability of success -- and learning -- for her.

(The above excerpt is titled Defining Differentiated Instruction by Rebecca Alber)

For students with exceptionalities, their success lies in having appropriate accommodations and modifications to help them learn. Accommodations and modifications are written in the IEP and teachers are responsible for providing the programming to meet their needs. Accommodations even the playing field for a student changing how he or she accesses information and demonstrates learning, but not substantially altering the instructional level, content or performance criteria. The changes are made in order to provide a student with equal access to learning and an equal opportunity to show what he or she knows and can do. Modifications change what is being taught or expected from a student; providing him or her with an opportunity to participate in meaningful and productive learning alongside their peers. Making an assignment easier so the student is not doing the same level of work as other students is an example of a modification.

Sometimes people get confused about what it means to have a modification and what it means to have an accommodation.

Topic 3: Assistive Technology

Learning Goals

We are learning to...
critically explore fair, equitable, transparent, valid and reliable assessment and evaluation processes that honour the dignity, emotional wellness and cognitive development of all students
critically explore present and evolving practices in Special Education.

Special Education in Ontario Schools by S. Bennett, D. Dworet and K. Weber - Appendix IV (pg.252)
Ministry of Education Research Into Practice: AssistiveTechnology Tools Monograph #50 Assistive Technology Tools -

Have you ever heard of a Livescribe pen?

What is MathTalk? Dragon is a type of software that helps students learn?

“Technology has made a considerable difference in the lives of some students with special education needs and has been shown to have a direct impact on their achievement. There are a wide variety of technological supports available to help students learn and demonstrate their understanding, from screen readers and speech-to-text software to sophisticated communications.” (Source: Special Education in Ontario Schools by S. Bennett, D. Dworet and K. Weber)

What is Assistive Technology? Watch the video to see how using a technology, such as Livescribe, can improve learning ...

Special Education Pt.1 Module 6: Assignment "Communication Between Teachers and Parents"

Assignment - The Individual Education Plan (IEP)

As stated above the IEP is a legal document so it is important that you do learn as much as you can about developing one. For this assignment, you will complete an Individual Education Plan for "Peter".

IEPs are developed based on years of data collected and by a variety of contributors. You have limited resources in which to create your IEP. Demonstration of your understanding of assessment and program planning for students with exceptionalities is key to this assignment. Assessment based on what you know of a student and applying that knowledge in developing an IEP is an essential skill to have as a teacher.

The goal of this assignment is to take the information you do have and complete the IEP based on that information. The IEP you are developing for this assignment will be based on a case study where you will need to make inferences and rely on your own interpretation of the text presented in the case study.

It is important to note that the case study will not provide you with all the resources, data and information you would have as a teacher to complete the IEP so there will be some areas which you will just not have sufficient data to complete. There will be other areas such as Subject or Course and Learning Expectations on page 3 where you will apply what you know or can infer from the details in the case study to complete a program goal with the subject area and learning expectation included.

Your are encouraged to refer to the IEP examples in the IEP Resource Guide if you are unsure of the information that you would include in specific sections of the IEP. The instructor is looking for your understanding of an IEP in support of student learning. Ask your instructor if you have questions about this assignment or IEPs in general.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Special Education Pt.1 Module 3: Communication Exceptionalism (Readings and Course Text Excerpts)

Topic 1: Autism

The Ontario Ministry of Education defines autism as a severe learning disorder that is characterized by:

a) disturbances in
rate of educational development
ability to relate to the environment
perception, speech and language

b) lack of the representational symbolic behaviour that precedes language

Of all the low incidence exceptionalities, none is more controversial than that of those related to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). There is a wide variation in the severity of the disorder, however difficulty in communications is common to all students with ASD. Social Integration is of particular concern for these students. Behaviour modification plans and life skills curriculum are used frequently to modify the student’s behaviour and develop the student’s skills within an “inclusive classroom” setting.

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) is an umbrella term used to describe a range ofneurodevelopmental disorders. Individuals previously diagnosed with an Autistic disorder or Asperger’s disorder, for example, are now given the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum disorder.
Autistic disorder: includes impairment in social interaction, communication, and imaginative play prior to age three, with restricted interests and repeated behaviours.
Asperger’s disorder: sometimes colloquially referred to as Asperger syndrome: is usually applied to individuals with apparently normal language development and average to above average intelligence but who are impaired in social interactions and have unusually restricted or specialized interests.
Pervasive developmental disorder – not otherwise specified: may also be called “atypical autism.” This is a somewhat vague category that picks up individuals otherwise not classified by the other categories but who, nevertheless, have severe impairments of an autism-like nature.
Childhood disintegrative disorder: characterized by the presence of a range of autism-related behaviours that appear after typical development for at least two years.
Rett’s disorder: is progressive and, so far, seen only in girls. There is a period of typical development followed by the loss of acquired skills. A key symptom is replacement of purposeful hand movements with repetitive actions (e.g., handwringing) between ages one and four.

Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
Communication: Speech may be delayed, diminished, or entirely absent. May use gestures rather than words; may often use words without attaching their usual meaning. Many students with ASDs demonstrate “echolalia” – the repeating of a word or phrase spoken by another person. This may be words or phrases just heard, or may be words, phrases, or even detailed dialogue heard at an earlier time (e.g., movie scripts).
Social interaction: May find relating to others difficult or even impossible, reflected in anything from lack of eye contact to total withdrawal. May show little interest in making friends or in shared play and will spend inordinate amounts of time alone. Seeming unawareness of social interplay and an absence of intuition are typical (e.g., student does not read body language of others; talks, but does not seem to listen; seems unaware of protocols).
Behaviours: Behaviour is described as atypical. May become obsessed with a theme (e.g., hockey scores) or object (spinning objects, flags, fans). Will often engage in repeated ritualistic actions (e.g., rocking in place) and demand close adherence to routines and schedules.
Responses to sensory stimuli: May find sights, sounds, conversational “buzz,” crowds (e.g., as at recess or an assembly) overstimulating. Responses are often seen as unusual. Tolerance for some stimuli may be fine while specific noises (e.g., the sound of a ringing telephone, fire alarms) may cause great upset. Reactions may be under-sensitive or over-sensitive and may vary from sense to sense within each individual with an ASD.
Transitions: Change of any type is often difficult for a child with an ASD. Even slight differences in classroom or school routine may be extremely upsetting (e.g., shifting to group work after quiet seat work). Shifts into and out of recess or lunch hour or dismissal time are often difficult. Changes in personnel (e.g., educational assistant or supply teacher) can cause an extreme response.

Special Education in Ontario Schools by Bennett, Dworet and Webers

Discussion Board Response

You have listened to Temple Grandin speak about Autism and the way in which they learn and conceptualize ideas as pictures.

After completing all readings, respond to the following on the Discussion Board: share a strategy or technique, which you could use in your everyday classroom in order to be inclusive of students with ASD.


I have developed a poster in which we use in our classrooms that allow the students to share how they feel or perceive how they feel. We have a poster or digital image such as this-the we have and use is buried in my resource folder. I just quick Bing searched quick to find something comparable.

The poster is a collection of emotions/emojis that students are able to point at/hold up (if cut into individual pieces) when their name is called for attendance. The teacher will be able to gauge a student's understanding of their emotions. If a student finds it difficult and the personal expressions of these emotions the teacher can offer some help at another time after making observations. Students in elementary school usually find it interesting to participate in activities like this. For students who have ASD, these activities allow them to use visual exemplars (as discussed by Temple Gardin) to express emotions or things they like based on the way it looks. It allows for classmates to genuinely interact with each other as well as teachers to discuss with students how we experience emotions.

--> A resource shared by a colleague

-Temple Gardin TED Talk


I think I'll start out and just talk a little bit about what exactly autism is. Autism is a very big continuum that goes from very severe -- the child remains nonverbal -- all the way up to brilliant scientists and engineers. And I actually feel at home here, because there's a lot of autism genetics here.

It's a continuum of traits. When does a nerd turn into Asperger, which is just mild autism? I mean, Einstein and Mozart and Tesla would all be probably diagnosed as autistic spectrum today. And one of the things that is really going to concern me is getting these kids to be the ones that are going to invent the next energy things that Bill Gates talked about this morning.

OK, now, if you want to understand autism: animals. I want to talk to you now about different ways of thinking. You have to get away from verbal language. I think in pictures. I don't think in language. Now, the thing about the autistic mind is it attends to details. This is a test where you either have to pick out the big letters or the little letters, and the autistic mind picks out the little letters more quickly.

And the thing is, the normal brain ignores the details. Well, if you're building a bridge, details are pretty important because it'll fall down if you ignore the details. And one of my big concerns with a lot of policy things today is things are getting too abstract. People are getting away from doing hands-on stuff. I'm really concerned that a lot of the schools have taken out the hands-on classes, because art, and classes like that -- those are the classes where I excelled.

In my work with cattle, I noticed a lot of little things that most people don't notice would make the cattle balk. For example, this flag waving right in front of the veterinary facility. This feed yard was going to tear down their whole veterinary facility; all they needed to do was move the flag. Rapid movement, contrast. In the early '70s when I started, I got right down in the chutes to see what cattle were seeing. People thought that was crazy. A coat on a fence would make them balk, shadows would make them balk, a hose on the floor -- people weren't noticing these things. A chain hanging down ... And that's shown very, very nicely in the movie.

In fact, I loved the movie, how they duplicated all my projects. That's the geek side. My drawings got to star in the movie, too. And, actually, it's called "Temple Grandin," not "Thinking in Pictures."

So what is thinking in pictures? It's literally movies in your head. My mind works like Google for images. When I was a young kid, I didn't know my thinking was different. I thought everybody thought in pictures. Then when I did my book, "Thinking in Pictures," I started interviewing people about how they think. And I was shocked to find out that my thinking was quite different. Like if I say, "Think about a church steeple," most people get this sort of generalized generic one. Now, maybe that's not true in this room, but it's going to be true in a lot of different places. I see only specific pictures. They flash up into my memory, just like Google for pictures. And in the movie, they've got a great scene in there, where the word "shoe" is said, and a whole bunch of '50s and '60s shoes pop into my imagination.

OK, there's my childhood church; that's specific. There's some more, Fort Collins. OK, how about famous ones? And they just kind of come up, kind of like this. Just really quickly, like Google for pictures. And they come up one at a time, and then I think, "OK, well, maybe we can have it snow, or we can have a thunderstorm," and I can hold it there and turn them into videos.

Now, visual thinking was a tremendous asset in my work designing cattle-handling facilities. And I've worked really hard on improving how cattle are treated at the slaughter plant. I'm not going to go into any gucky slaughter slides. I've got that stuff up on YouTube, if you want to look at it.

But one of the things that I was able to do in my design work is I could test-run a piece of equipment in my mind, just like a virtual reality computer system. And this is an aerial view of a recreation of one of my projects that was used in the movie. That was like just so super cool. And there were a lot of, kind of, Asperger types and autism types working out there on the movie set, too.

But one of the things that really worries me is: Where's the younger version of those kids going today? They're not ending up in Silicon Valley, where they belong.

One of the things I learned very early on because I wasn't that social, is I had to sell my work, and not myself. And the way I sold livestock jobs is I showed off my drawings, I showed off pictures of things. Another thing that helped me as a little kid is, boy, in the '50s, you were taught manners. You were taught you can't pull the merchandise off the shelves in the store and throw it around.

When kids get to be in third or fourth grade, you might see that this kid's going to be a visual thinker, drawing in perspective. Now, I want to emphasize that not every autistic kid is going to be a visual thinker. Now, I had this brain scan done several years ago, and I used to joke around about having a gigantic Internet trunk line going deep into my visual cortex. This is tensor imaging. And my great big Internet trunk line is twice as big as the control's. The red lines there are me, and the blue lines are the sex and age-matched control. And there I got a gigantic one, and the control over there, the blue one, has got a really small one.

And some of the research now is showing that people on the spectrum actually think with the primary visual cortex. Now, the thing is, the visual thinker is just one kind of mind. You see, the autistic mind tends to be a specialist mind -- good at one thing, bad at something else. And where I was bad was algebra. And I was never allowed to take geometry or trig. Gigantic mistake. I'm finding a lot of kids who need to skip algebra, go right to geometry and trig.

Now, another kind of mind is the pattern thinker. More abstract. These are your engineers, your computer programmers. This is pattern thinking. That praying mantis is made from a single sheet of paper -- no scotch tape, no cuts. And there in the background is the pattern for folding it. Here are the types of thinking: photo-realistic visual thinkers, like me; pattern thinkers, music and math minds. Some of these oftentimes have problems with reading. You also will see these kind of problems with kids that are dyslexic. You'll see these different kinds of minds. And then there's a verbal mind, they know every fact about everything.

Now, another thing is the sensory issues. I was really concerned about having to wear this gadget on my face. And I came in half an hour beforehand so I could have it put on and kind of get used to it, and they got it bent so it's not hitting my chin. But sensory is an issue. Some kids are bothered by fluorescent lights; others have problems with sound sensitivity. You know, it's going to be variable.

Now, visual thinking gave me a whole lot of insight into the animal mind. Because think about it: an animal is a sensory-based thinker, not verbal -- thinks in pictures, thinks in sounds, thinks in smells. Think about how much information there is on the local fire hydrant. He knows who's been there --

When they were there. Are they friend or foe? Is there anybody he can go mate with? There's a ton of information on that fire hydrant. It's all very detailed information. And looking at these kind of details gave me a lot of insight into animals.

Now, the animal mind, and also my mind, puts sensory-based information into categories. Man on a horse, and a man on the ground -- that is viewed as two totally different things. You could have a horse that's been abused by a rider. They'll be absolutely fine with the veterinarian and with the horseshoer, but you can't ride him. You have another horse, where maybe the horseshoer beat him up, and he'll be terrible for anything on the ground with the veterinarian, but a person can ride him. Cattle are the same way. Man on a horse, a man on foot -- they're two different things. You see, it's a different picture. See, I want you to think about just how specific this is

Now, this ability to put information into categories, I find a lot of people are not very good at this. When I'm out troubleshooting equipment or problems with something in a plant, they don't seem to be able to figure out: "Do I have a training-people issue? Or do I have something wrong with the equipment?" In other words, categorize equipment problem from a people problem. I find a lot of people have difficulty doing that. Now, let's say I figure out it's an equipment problem. Is it a minor problem, with something simple I can fix? Or is the whole design of the system wrong? People have a hard time figuring that out.

Let's just look at something like, you know, solving problems with making airlines safer. Yeah, I'm a million-mile flier. I do lots and lots of flying, and if I was at the FAA, what would I be doing a lot of direct observation of? It would be their airplane tails. You know, five fatal wrecks in the last 20 years, the tail either came off, or steering stuff inside the tail broke in some way. It's tails, pure and simple. And when the pilots walk around the plane, guess what? They can't see that stuff inside the tail. Now as I think about that, I'm pulling up all of that specific information. It's specific. See, my thinking's bottom-up. I take all the little pieces and I put the pieces together like a puzzle.

Now, here is a horse that was deathly afraid of black cowboy hats. He'd been abused by somebody with a black cowboy hat. White cowboy hats, that was absolutely fine. Now, the thing is, the world is going to need all of the different kinds of minds to work together. We've got to work on developing all these different kinds of minds. And one of the things that is driving me really crazy as I travel around and I do autism meetings, is I'm seeing a lot of smart, geeky, nerdy kids, and they just aren't very social, and nobody's working on developing their interest in something like science

And this brings up the whole thing of my science teacher. My science teacher is shown absolutely beautifully in the movie. I was a goofball student when I was in high school. I just didn't care at all about studying, until I had Mr. Carlock's science class. He was now Dr. Carlock in the movie. And he got me challenged to figure out an optical illusion room. This brings up the whole thing of you've got to show kids interesting stuff. You know, one of the things that I think maybe TED ought to do is tell all the schools about all the great lectures that are on TED, and there's all kinds of great stuff on the Internet to get these kids turned on. Because I'm seeing a lot of these geeky, nerdy kids, and the teachers out in the Midwest and other parts of the country when you get away from these tech areas, they don't know what to do with these kids. And they're not going down the right path.

The thing is, you can make a mind to be more of a thinking and cognitive mind, or your mind can be wired to be more social. And what some of the research now has shown in autism is there may by extra wiring back here in the really brilliant mind, and we lose a few social circuits here. It's kind of a trade-off between thinking and social. And then you can get to the point where it's so severe, you're going to have a person that's going to be non-verbal. In the normal human mind, language covers up the visual thinking we share with animals.

This is the work of Dr. Bruce Miller. He studied Alzheimer's patients that had frontal temporal lobe dementia. And the dementia ate out the language parts of the brain. And then this artwork came out of somebody who used to install stereos in cars. Now, Van Gogh doesn't know anything about physics, but I think it's very interesting that there was some work done to show that this eddy pattern in this painting followed a statistical model of turbulence, which brings up the whole interesting idea of maybe some of this mathematical patterns is in our own head.

And the Wolfram stuff -- I was taking notes and writing down all the search words I could use, because I think that's going to go on in my autism lectures. We've got to show these kids interesting stuff. And they've taken out the auto-shop class and the drafting class and the art class. I mean, art was my best subject in school.

We've got to think about all these different kinds of minds, and we've got to absolutely work with these kind of minds, because we absolutely are going to need these kinds of people in the future. And let's talk about jobs. OK, my science teacher got me studying, because I was a goofball that didn't want to study. But you know what? I was getting work experience. I'm seeing too many of these smart kids who haven't learned basic things, like how to be on time -- I was taught that when I was eight years old. How to have table manners at granny's Sunday party. I was taught that when I was very, very young. And when I was 13, I had a job at a dressmaker's shop sewing clothes. I did internships in college, I was building things, and I also had to learn how to do assignments.

You know, all I wanted to do was draw pictures of horses when I was little. My mother said, "Well let's do a picture of something else." They've got to learn how to do something else. Let's say the kid is fixated on Legos. Let's get him working on building different things. The thing about the autistic mind is it tends to be fixated. Like if the kid loves race cars, let's use race cars for math. Let's figure out how long it takes a race car to go a certain distance. In other words, use that fixation in order to motivate that kid, that's one of the things we need to do. I really get fed up when the teachers, especially when you get away from this part of the country, they don't know what to do with these smart kids. It just drives me crazy.

What can visual thinkers do when they grow up? They can do graphic design, all kinds of stuff with computers, photography, industrial design. The pattern thinkers -- they're the ones that are going to be your mathematicians, your software engineers, your computer programmers, all of those kinds of jobs. And then you've got the word minds; they make great journalists, and they also make really, really good stage actors. Because the thing about being autistic is, I had to learn social skills like being in a play. You just kind of ... you just have to learn it.

And we need to be working with these students. And this brings up mentors. You know, my science teacher was not an accredited teacher. He was a NASA space scientist. Some states now are getting it to where, if you have a degree in biology or in chemistry, you can come into the school and teach biology or chemistry. We need to be doing that. Because what I'm observing is, the good teachers, for a lot of these kids, are out in the community colleges. But we need to be getting some of these good teachers into the high schools.

Another thing that can be very, very, very successful is: there's a lot of people that may have retired from working in the software industry, and they can teach your kid. And it doesn't matter if what they teach them is old, because what you're doing is you're lighting the spark. You're getting that kid turned on. And you get him turned on, then you'll learn all the new stuff. Mentors are just essential. I cannot emphasize enough what my science teacher did for me. And we've got to mentor them, hire them.

And if you bring them in for internships in your companies, the thing about the autism, Asperger-y kind of mind, you've got to give them a specific task. Don't just say, "Design new software." You've got to tell them something more specific: "We're designing software for a phone and it has to do some specific thing, and it can only use so much memory." That's the kind of specificity you need.

Chris Anderson: Thank you so much for that. You know, you once wrote -- I like this quote: "If by some magic, autism had been eradicated from the face of the Earth, then men would still be socializing in front of a wood fire at the entrance to a cave."

Temple Grandin: Because who do you think made the first stone spear? It was the Asperger guy, and if you were to get rid of all the autism genetics, there'd be no more Silicon Valley, and the energy crisis would not be solved.

CA: I want to ask you a couple other questions, and if any of these feel inappropriate, it's OK just to say, "Next question." But if there is someone here who has an autistic child, or knows an autistic child and feels kind of cut off from them, what advice would you give them?

TG: Well, first of all, we've got to look at age. If you have a two, three or four-year-old, no speech, no social interaction, I can't emphasize enough: Don't wait. You need at least 20 hours a week of one-to-one teaching. The thing is, autism comes in different degrees. About half of the people on the spectrum are not going to learn to talk, and they won't be working in Silicon Valley. That would not be a reasonable thing for them to do.

But then you get these smart, geeky kids with a touch of autism, and that's where you've got to get them turned on with doing interesting things. I got social interaction through shared interests -- I rode horses with other kids, I made model rockets with other kids, did electronics lab with other kids. And in the '60s, it was gluing mirrors onto a rubber membrane on a speaker to make a light show. That was, like, we considered that super cool.

CA: Is it unrealistic for them to hope or think that that child loves them, as some might, as most, wish?

TG: Well, I tell you, that child will be loyal, and if your house is burning down, they're going to get you out of it.

CA: Wow. So most people, if you ask them what they're most passionate about, they'd say things like, "My kids" or "My lover." What are you most passionate about?

TG: I'm passionate about that the things I do are going to make the world a better place. When I have a mother of an autistic child say, "My kid went to college because of your book or one of your lectures," that makes me happy.

You know, the slaughter plants I worked with in the '80s; they were absolutely awful. I developed a really simple scoring system for slaughter plants, where you just measure outcomes: How many cattle fell down? How many got poked with the prodder? How many cattle are mooing their heads off? And it's very, very simple. You directly observe a few simple things. It's worked really well. I get satisfaction out of seeing stuff that makes real change in the real world. We need a lot more of that, and a lot less abstract stuff.

TG: Well, the reason why I got really excited when I read about that, it contains knowledge. It's libraries. And to me, knowledge is something that is extremely valuable. So, maybe over 10 years ago now, our library got flooded. This is before the Internet got really big. And I was really upset about all the books being wrecked, because it was knowledge being destroyed. And server farms, or data centers, are great libraries of knowledge.

Topic 4: Speech and Language Impairments

The Ontario Ministry of Education defines a Language Impairment as an impairment in comprehension and/or use of verbal communication or the written or other symbol systems of communication, which may be associated with neurological, psychological, physical, or sensory factors.

A speech impairment refers to speech disorders in which there are difficulties producing sounds or problems with voice quality. These fall under three main categories:
Articulation – a problem with the way sounds are formed
Voice - difficulties with the pitch, volume or quality of speech
Fluency - an interruption in the flow or rhythm of speech

A language impairment involves a problem in the form, content and/or function of language in communication. There is usually a delay in expressive language (speaking), receptive language (understanding) or both. Some characteristics include the incorrect use of words, inability to express ideas and poor grammar. Children may recognize a word but not be able to understand its meaning or they may have trouble getting others to understand what they are saying.

Historically, speech and language therapists provide individual therapy outside the classroom over an extended period of time. Speech-language therapists may also assist by consulting with teachers to facilitate the child’s communication in the class setting. They also work closely with families so that therapies can be practiced at home. The speech language therapist may assist vocational teachers and counselors in establishing communication goals related to the work experiences of students.

Students with speech and language impairments will require supports and accommodations in the classroom. Breaking down of tasks (chunking), visual supports, graphic organizers, pre-teaching of vocabulary, note-taking assistance, shared reading and extended time limits are all useful. Computer based technology is one of the most effective interventions including text-to-speech and speech-to-text software.

Topic 5: Learning Disabilities

There is no universally accepted definition of a learning disability. Learning disabilities are not heterogeneous - they are not a single or uniform condition, nor do they affect one particular area of learning. Historically, some have denied the existence of any such phenomenon while others have lumped just about every learning problem under the umbrella of a Learning Disability. A unanimously accepted definition remains elusive.

Nevertheless, the Ontario Ministry of Education defines a Learning Disability as a learning disorder evident in both academic and social situations that involves one or more of the processes necessary for the proper use of spoken language or the symbols of communication, and that is characterized by a condition that:

a) is not primarily the result of:
impairment of vision
impairment of hearing
physical disability
developmental disability
primary emotional disturbance
cultural difference;

b) results in a significant discrepancy between academic achievement and assessed intellectual ability, with deficits in one or more of the following:
receptive language (listening, reading)
language processing (thinking, conceptualizing, integrating)
expressive language (talking, spelling, writing)
mathematical computations

c) may be associated with one or more conditions diagnosed as:
a perceptual handicap
a brain injury
minimal brain dysfunction
developmental aphasia

The Learning Disability Association of Ontario is a charitable organization that assists people with learning disabilities by providing advocacy, research, education and services.

Learning disabilities, which are categorized under the Communication category of exceptionalities, are considered high incidence exceptionalities. They are broadly broken down into two categories: verbal LDs and non-verbal LDs. Many students who have learning disabilities are placed in regular classrooms with indirect support, resource assistance or withdrawal assistance. Those who have severe LDs may be placed in self-contained special education classes with partial integration for specific subjects.

Self-advocacy is vital for students with LDs. This disability is often referred as a “hidden” or “invisible” disability. These students do not outwardly present as “disabled” in any way. Consequently, many advocacy groups have invested much time and effort to educate the public in understanding the nature of this disability and promoting the need for support in school systems, including post-secondary. Students are encouraged to understand the nature of their learning needs and what they need to do to be successful. In high school, active participation in their own IPRCs and IEPs is part of this process.

For most teachers, programming for students with LDs will be part of their daily routine. It is important to recognize that no two students’ profiles will be the same, but the accommodations put in place to support these students will be effective for all students within an inclusive classroom. There are many factors that contribute to the identification of a student with an LD. The most important fact is that the student is “underachieving” academically based on their intellectual ability as measured by a standardized test – in other words, the student is not learning to his or her potential. Additionally, when a formal test is administered, the student can often display a large discrepancy in his or her percentile scores among the various measures i.e. above average in some areas but extremely deficient in others.

It is important to note that students with an LD can appear to have cognitive difficulties in all subject areas, however the reality can indeed be far from what their performance suggests. The majority of students with a LD are identified because they have a “language” disability: reading and/or writing disability. It is this language disability that interferes with their successful performance in math, science, social studies, history and other language-driven subjects. In considering programming for students with a LD, the teacher needs to find ways to accommodate for the learning styles of the students in the classroom and modify the language “requirements” to ensure that the assessment and evaluation of these exceptional students in the regular classroom are based on the curriculum of the subject being taught and not on the “English” embedded in the delivery of the curriculum.

Some students with learning disabilities also need direct instruction in social skills. Research has shown that students with learning disabilities are more likely to behave inappropriately in social situations and are often treated poorly by peers and engage in fewer social activities than their peers. In addition, many children with an LD do not understand or have difficulty with asking questions, the nuances of language, reading facial expressions/body language and rudimentary social conventions.

Common Characteristics of Students with Learning Disabilities
Boys demonstrate learning disabilities much more frequently than girls.
Most students diagnosed with learning disabilities are identified during the third and fourth grades and most of those students will continue to receive services for their learning disability throughout their schooling.
A discrepancy between one’s intellectual ability and school achievement is a defining characteristic of these students.
Many students with learning disabilities will perform poorly on reading, writing or language tasks but sometimes will perform acceptably in math. Although some students have a specific learning disability in math rather than reading and language arts, this type of disability is more the exception than the rule.
Students with learning disabilities also often have attention problems and/or are easily distracted and are often hyperactive.
Some students with learning disabilities have difficulty organizing material when completing school assignments or in personal organization matters such as bringing the correct books to class or arriving to classes on time.
Difficulty in copying material from blackboards or performing other design-copy tasks is frequently a symptom of learning disabilities

Source: Learning Disabilities, Bender, 4th edition, Kavavale & Reese, 1991; McLeasky, 1992
Transition Plans


• Part of an IEP, often in chart form, outlining an annual goal and specific responsibilities of team members and timelines.

• Common transitions that can be addressed on a transition plan include: entry to school, move to a new school, move to a new grade/teacher, transition from grade 8 to grade 9 (elementary to secondary transition), transition to post-secondary (after high school: workplace, apprenticeship, college, university, community, etc.)

• Other transitions could include: starting/stopping activities, leaving the classroom, going to recess/gym, going on fieldtrips, having guest speakers in, preparing for fire drill/emergency evacuations.

Transition plans are a required component of Individual Education Plans (IEPs). Students on IEPs who are 14 years of age and older require a transition plan as part of their IEP to plan for post-secondary activities, except for students who are solely identified with giftedness. Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), and other students who need support with changes, will also have a transition plan to prepare for daily transitions, between activities or locations, as their specific needs indicate. Transition plans can be utilized for students to help them cope with change.


• Develop transition plans with a team consisting of teachers, special education teacher, educational workers, administrator, parent/guardian, and especially the student.

• Utilize non-teacher professional reports and suggestions.

• Revise throughout the school year, typically at reporting periods or as dictated by changes in student needs.

• Include specific steps/plans with deadlines and strategies.

• Consider supporting the transition plan with alternative curriculum expectations that teach needed social skills related to post-secondary goals.

Associated student needs:

Transition skills

Special Education Pt.1 Module 3: Assignment "Case of Cory" (Case Study)

Assignment - Learning Disability Case Study

Review the readings above before beginning your assignment and Refer to PPM 8 for the identification of and program planning for students with learning disabilities. PPM 8

Read 'The Case of Cory' on page 95 of your course text and respond to the following questions in your case study assignment.

Does Cory have a Learning Disability?

Should he be identified with a learning disability so he can get the help he needs?


Cory's potential "disability" in regards to learning is an early diagnosis given by a "former" teacher which carries no weight in this discussion (from my particular point of view). A teacher has their own set of experiences based on location and time served that making their opinion inconclusive to a situation at times. Therefore I feel this case is supposed to look like an open shut case of "learning disability", as the psychologist described, "Juvenile Shell Shock". This is partially why I don't believe Cory is not experiencing a "learning disability", but more of a stressful time in life. In Learning Disabilities, Bender, 4th edition, learning disabilities are characterized by Kavavale, Reese and McLeasky as "not a single or uniform condition, nor do they affect one particular area of learning" (1991). It seems like classroom academics rather than coupled with behavioural problems is the issue. This means (to me) that the learning disability is more of a classroom content understanding/communication problem. This problem is not necessarily associated with learning disabilities but also with language learners in a second language or students who are moved through different environments at a young age inconsistently. This was actually a comment made by the school board in the case study. Furthermore in Learning Disabilities, Bender, 4th edition, Kavavale, Reese and McLeasky describe a phenomenon in which professionals have "lumped just about every learning problem under the umbrella of a Learning Disability" (1991). In reality, if this "former teacher" were experienced and aware of the student's case history, they would understand that when learning two languages (upbringing in a bilingual environment) the child would develop their speech later than most children. Cory's parents seem to have two languages spoken at home as well as the grandparents which was not mentioned in the case. The characteristics regarding Cory's difficulties in communication signifies those of a ELL. These delays in language coupled with the time missed in school and inconsistent transitions to 11 schools (which is ridiculous) will prove to be severe challenges for a child to adapt to.

The school board's identification of Cory as a student with a language learning challenge (ELL) rather a learning disability is very beneficial to the student. I would question why the school board has not investigated with an initial assessment in identification of ELL characteristics. This was a subtle mention in the case of Cory, as a remark by a speech consultant. As an ELL teaching specialist, I would reckon with his experience in classrooms already, he would not need "integration", but a stable environment for him to develop his skills (socially and academically).

Friday, July 12, 2019

Special Education Pt.1: Module #2 Assignment "Case Studies"

Case Study:   "Case of Scott" (Pg. 120) Special Education in Ontario Schools By: S. Bennett, D. Dworet and K. Weber

Brief Summary:

Scott is being transferred to another school and placed in foster care under the orders of the province. Scott's family history as well as his current trouble is unknown. What is understood is that Scott is a student with no learning disabilities and an average IQ. Unfortunately Scott is struggling.

What are the behavioral issues of Scott in the case study "Case of Scott":

Scott's behavioural issues are classified as:

Behaviour Disorders, this is simply because he has not officially been diagnosed (maybe even assessed/evaluated psychologically), this is a speculation as an observation by the school. He is in possession of an IPRC at grade 6. He has aggressive behaviour toward females and is a repeat offender. Scott's academics are not something he seems to be aware of, this may be evidence of inability to express oneself appropriately in social situations as well as academic.

What supports does this student need?:

Scott's behaviors are characteristically that of "Psychoeducational" nature that need to be approached through the psychodynamic approach (it seems). The symptoms seem to share the idea that the student is dealing with stresses at home, at school or within a community. The reason this would not be an environmental approach is because the student's environment is in transition. The case study does not offer insight into the transition process that Scott is going through (as it should given the expectations of the school boards in 2007, "Policy/Program Memorandum No.140"). One can imagine that the social worker and school(s) are working together to transition Scott appropriately. It does not seem as though Scott is suffering from physiological or biophysical difficulties. At first glance, a professional may believe that Scott is struggling with environmental issues that impact him. Scott's schools (if Scott's family situation was static), they may be able to take a firm approach to provide guidance through the school to assist the student in personal conduct within the learning environment. With reference to the Ontario's Provincial "Policy/Program Memorandum No.145", it seems as though this memorandum would make it necessary to approach it with the "whole-school" approach or "environmental approach" (without focus on the family) in 2018.

This is an interesting development in Programming by the school board as it provides evidence that definitions are changing, socio-economic statuses/modern families are being accounted for. According to the ministry document "Caring and Safe Schools in Ontario", students can be best support through a caring and safe school culture (pg.11 2010). More importantly though "Caring and Safe Schools in Ontario" discusses that in order to support that student, there needs to be knowledge of the student's difficulties, as well as knowledge of resources available for student and teacher at the school (2010).

Scott is young, and although he is a "teenager" and in grade 6 with courts already involved in his life. The counselling is the most important thing for Scott in my opinion. The more I look at this I believe I am correct in my thinking because he needs to have behaviours introduced to him to make him compliant/able to learn in a classroom. This situation he is in now, will only worsen if he is unable to have support that provide him with tools and management strategies that can be carried forward into adolescence firstly and next, academics.  If Scott fails in academics, this is not the end of his life. There are supports and counselling in the school that can assist in transitioning after graduation and into GED programs if needed. His ability to participate and contribute to society in a positive way far surpasses his academic success. Without mental well-being, there is no motivation or ability to retain academics.

Teachers of Scott could go as far as to introduce Social-Emotional Learning strategies in their class as a whole to help other students feel aware or accepting to new students who may have difficulties in expressing their thoughts and feelings appropriately.

Personal Reflection:

This case study assignment tells me that the situations special education teachers (as well as teachers with students who have problematic behaviours) are not fighting against anyone or anything; these teachers are working with students to live the best life they can while also facing difficulties that some of them may be able to overcome in time, while others will work through the difficulties everyday for the rest of their lives. These students who are facing these difficulties are being slowed in their education not only by their difficulties but also by the time needed for school teams and communities to organize and coordinate plans that will best accommodate the difficulties of a student.

I feel ultimately that things like "mindsets" and "social emotional learning strategies" are key ingredients to make this case study, a success story.

Assignment - Behavioral Exceptionality Case Study
After completing the readings above related to Behavioural exceptionalities, choose a case study from Chapter 9 of the reading from Special Education in Ontario School
Case studies are a form of problem-based learning, where you are presented with a situation. As an educator and teacher in the classroom, particularly in special education, you will encounter many situations where you will be required to develop the best plan or course of action based on your assessment or analysis. Choose one case study from Chapter 9 and respond to the questions below for your chosen case study. This assignment will be submitted to the course instructor and should include the following:
  1. Identification of case study chosen
  2. Brief summary of case study
  3. Responses to the following questions (include the questions in your assignment):
    • What are the behavioural issues for this student?
    • In your estimation what supports does the student need? (reference instructional, environmental, and assessment accommodations in your response)
    • What other issues to you anticipate for this student?
Assignment length: 2 pages