The Seven Fires, as told by Mr. Bono
Turtle Island is the comprehension of the place in which the Annishnaabe had of the place they lived which was present day North America. The maps and scrolls collected over the years of archaeological expeditions in North America have been found on various materials. Birch-bark is the most common and recognizable of the different mediums used by the Annishnaabe.
This tale is of the seven prophets who warned the Annishnaabe people of great changes throughout their lineages for as long as they lived on Turtle Island. The prophecy predates the arrival of foreigners within North American history and is really a vehicle meant to foster harmony between cultures.
The first fire was long before colonialism. At this time, the culture and life of the people was flourishing and in harmony. However the people were told there would be seven stops throughout their journey as a people. The first was the trip into present day Ontario. The people were instructed to enjoy their life but they would also need to migrate later as this is not the end of their journey yet.
The second fire describes the time when the ways of the the people were originally separated. Their journey had led them to seek refuge in present day Michigan but could not find the turtle island around there. Later the people found that a dream of a boy had led a group of the many separated to where they needed to go-Lake Michigan.
The third fire describes a time when the people began to migrate further to find the place where the food grows on water. People traveled to Manitoulin islands, then Ste St. Marie-ending up along the shores of Lake Superior.
The fourth fire describes a prophecy from two prophets, the coming of another race, a negative impact is prophesied as well as positive one. Without knowing what to believe or exactly what a light skinned race might look like when bearing the face of brotherhood or war. Nonetheless, in the end it turned out that the the French were the kinder parties of those who interacted with the nation, through mercantilism-French commerce and trading was the kindness shown by light skinned races. Whereas the colonialism and brutality of the British was some of the negative that came from the light skinned races.
The fifth fire is one of struggle, a promise may be made to the nation of people and the folly of the people will be the abandonment of tradition. In forgetting the tradition and culture-the people will find struggles throughout the generations.
The sixth fire is when the apparent reality of the promise from the fifth fire reveals itself-the lie will destroy the trust the nations have in the elders. When all seems lost, it will get worse. Not only with the traditional way of the people fall apart but a disease will pester the people (whether it be physical or spiritual-it is not clear).
The seventh fire can lead to the eight (final fire), which is characterized by eternal harmony. If and only if the people (light skinned race) can make a decision to travel through life recognizing that there were things that weren't done that could have been and things that were done, which should not have been. If and only if the light skinned races can understand the decisions they make will the first nations and their new found neighbours be truly at peace. Once at peace the Annishnaabe peoples' will rekindle the lost sacred fire and rebuild what has been lost.