Marking exam week after English midterms for my students.
Planning 10 is finished, now imputing marks and report card comments are finished, no I reports, late submissions are in, completed....if laptop would cooperate.
English 10 is half way done, the course is linear and continues until June, the students have written their midterm exam and does not look good.
Students who failed the exam are more than likely looking at a failing grade. If they have a failing grade I need to write I reports -_- send them to administration and then complete the report card marks and comments.
I need to inquire about receiving a TA for the foods class or English classes I have to help improve everything.
I need to complete a couple of tasks for the foods year plan. Specifically, the holiday homework and first aid certificate.
I need to create handouts for both foods and English for the first two weeks.
There are a ton of ppts I can finish creating for English 10 and edmodo.
I have assignments to upload to edmodo.
There is a guy who is I charge of creating posters for teachers I need to speak to for information in where to do that.
Finally I need to make a word wall in my English class for students to help them with proper terminology.
Maybe make a writing tips wall as well.
For now...that is all...