Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Teacher Candidate: "The CALM Model "

Excerpt from Classroom Management Textbook I read back in 2014 (?*)
-Still applies today. (receently reviewed-2024)

The CALM strategy provides the following steps as a general guide for handling classroom-management issues...

Level 1- Consider
-When a student's behaviour becomes disruptive, the teacher should consider the following question to initiate a response process. "Does the behaviour change, affect or disrupt the classroom learning environment, teacher, or students?"

Level 2- Act
-Once the behaviour has become a "distracting" force for the teacher, the next level of intervention is introduced. This occurs when it becomes necessary to act.

Level 3- Lessen
-Lessen the use of invasive responses in dealing with a situation that require action in order to avoid distracting a class by intervening one student's behaviour

Level 4- Manage
-If there is a problem bad enough to interrupt your class for, manage it quickly to avoid over distraction of other students.

General Notes

-When teachers  describe children using negative labels and react to children negatively, these same children may seek to continue this type of response because a negative response is better than no response

-Behavioral problems: any that disrupts the teaching act or is psychologically or physically unsafe, such as running in a science lab, using unsafe tools or laboratory equipment, threatening other students, and constantly bullying classmates.

-When deciding on your teacher intervention ask these questions:
1. is this interfering with the act of teaching?
2. does this interfere with the rights of others to learn?
3.are students psychologically or physically unsafe?
4. is there destruction of property?

-Sometimes, motivation can be the problem for students, students may have on of the following symptoms if they are experiencing motivational problems:
1. low levels of self confidence
2. low expectations for success
3. lack of interest in academics
4. lost feelings of autonomy
5. achievement anxiety
6. fears of success or failure

-Working with students who have motivational problems sometimes requires long term individualized intervention and/or sometimes even referrals to professionals outside of the classroom

-It is important to properly approach a motivational problem with a student by addressing focus on the student's expectation to success and and the value placed on the learning activity, this way the student will not develop behavioural problems

-Anecdotal record keeping are wonderful for all sorts of reasons in the classroom but certainly a great tool to use when working through motivational problems

-Ways that students can be helped is by generally getting them more engaged; technology is a great way to get students involved more with their work

-Home environment is an important part of s student's life and ability to learn

-Maslow (1968) believes that there are five things needed to have a successful life:
1. physiological needs: hunger, thirst, breathing
2. belonging and affection needs: giving and receiving love, warmth, and affection and security needs: protection from injury, pain, extremes of heat and cold
4. esteem and self-respect needs: feeling adequate
5. Self-actualization needs: self-fulfillment by using one's talents and potential

-Things from home life that create divide between pro-social and disruptive students
1. Parental supervision and discipline were inadequate, being to lax, too strict or erratic
2. The parents were indifferent or hostile to the child; they disapproved of many things about the child and handed out angry, physical punishment
3. The family operated only partially if at all, as a unit, and the marital relationship lacked closeness and equality of partnership
4. The parents found it difficult to discuss concerns regarding the child and believed that they had little influences on the child. They believed that other children exerted bad influences on their children

-In the school environment positive self esteem helps the student motivates the students to learn which helps them further develop self-actualization

-Students need to feel safe in schools, if they are too concerned looking out for their well being then how are they concerned with their marks


Here are some things I learned throughout my years, and things I am learning. Some things are reworded from works of both academic and non-academic texts.

If you ever need anything or if you ever have questions, please feel free to message me at

I have resources on resources and love creating resources, if you ever need assistance making resources or coming up with ideas, message me, nothing makes me happier :) I love brainstorming and working with individuals :)


Mr. B